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News & Updates



Note: Visit the Financial Transparency page for updates about the university's financial outlook and planning. Go to the Oracle Toolkit for updates about UC Merced's financial management system.


Mar. 13: Upate on Budget Reduction Planning and Next Steps

Jan. 30: Advisory: Design and Construction Requisition Updates

Jan. 23: FY25 Year-End Close Schedule & Deadlines

Jan. 23: Demonstrating Resilience in Budget Reduction Planning

Jan. 17: Updated Practice: Unresolved Payroll Suspense Activity at Year End


Dec. 19: UCM Plan Enhancement Project: Latest Developments

Dec. 18: Concur System Advisory: Workflow Update and Important Dates

Dec. 12: Advisory: Clarification on Utilization of Gift and Endowment Funds

Dec. 2: Dell Discounts for Faculty and Staff

Dec. 2: Cash Handling Training available on UCLC

Dec. 2: End of Semester Employee Separations

Nov. 18: Budget Reduction Exercise 

Nov. 6: Staffing Reconciliation and Central Policy

Nov. 4: Early Deadlines for November & December Payroll

Oct. 9: Next Financial Transparency Town Hall Set for Oct. 23

Oct. 3: Concur Advisory: Reimbursements to P.O. Box Addresses

Oct. 3: GLACIER 2 Factor Authentication Advisory

Oct. 3: TRS Modernization Coming November 1st

Oct. 3: BobcatBuy+ Gas Vendor Update

Sept 19: Updated Guidance: Function 76, Function 80, & Agency Funds

Sept. 9: DFA Update - Fall 2024 Campus Newsletter

Sept. 9: Introducing UCM Plan Enhancement

Sept. 9: BobcatBuy+ is Live!

Sept. 9: Oracle Redwood User Interface is Live

Sept. 3: BobcatBuy+ September Debut

Sept. 3: Oracle User Interface to Launch Sept 9

Aug. 29: Payroll Services, WFA & HCM Fall Updates and Advisories

Aug. 12: Concur Home Page Enhancement

Aug. 12: Gearing up for BobcatBuy+

July 29: Presenting BobcatBuy+

July 22: Enhanced Planning and Budgeting Module

July 15: UCPath Gender & Lived Name Enhancements

July 1: Transcepta Supplier Invoicing Enhancement

Jun 20: Surplus Property Department Summer Advisory

Jun 4: Certify Spring 2024 Efforts by Sep. 27

May 22: Improving Financial Management and Reporting Task Force Update

May 15: Summer 2024 On-Site Work Schedule for DCC-based DFA Staff

Apr. 29: CBS2 Escalation Matrices

Apr. 22: Purchasing and Invoice Hold Resources

Apr. 15: Certify Fall 2023 Efforts by Apr. 30

Apr. 10: Financial Transparency Town Hall | Archived Information

Apr. 1: Expenditure Allowability Advisory and Resources

Feb. 20: DFA Update Newsletter | February 2024

Feb. 5: DCC Updated Workstations & On-Site Schedule in Effect

Jan. 30: FY24 Close Schedule and Deadlines

Jan. 30: Improving Financial Management and Reporting Task Force Update

Jan. 29: DCC Space Move Logistics Update for DFA Staff

Jan. 24: DFA Staff Relocation in DCC and Space-sharing Plan

Jan. 11: DCC Reorganization to Place All DFA Staff on One Floor

Jan. 9: Director of Student Billing and Campus Cashiering Appointed

Jan. 8: Three Small Businesses Added for Promotion, Marketing Needs

Jan. 8: TAPS Phasing Out Easy Park Meters


Dec. 14: Financial Systems Support Restructure

Dec. 13: Bustos Appointed Payroll Executive Director

Dec. 12: Early Deadline for Biweekly Timesheets

Dec. 11: November 2023 Accounting Period Closes

Dec. 4: University Store Annex Reopens

Dec. 4: Restrictions on UC Travel to Certain States Lifted

Dec. 4: Dec. 13 is Important Date Before Holiday Break

Nov. 30: Kurt Schnier Named Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer

Oct. 30: Guidance for Recharge Units; New Rule for Primary Approvers

Oct. 20: Message from the Chancellor: Improving Financial Reporting

Oct. 19: NSF Discipline Code Required for All Project Attributes

Oct. 12: New Food Ordering Process for Events

Oct. 11: For Review: Proposed Sponsored Project Close Out Checklist

Oct. 11: North Transit Hub Available to UC Merced Community

Oct. 5: Gov. Newsom Ends Restrictions on State-funded Travel

Sept. 14: Financial & Accounting Services Begins Monthly Information Sessions

Sept. 5: New Travel Card for Students and Guests

Aug. 28: Message to Faculty on Financial System

July 31: Hospitality Services Ready for New Year

Aug. 21: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Has Closed. Here's What to Do Next.

Aug. 2: Introducing the DFA Service Portal

July 12: Get Ready for Fiscal and RA Requisition Approval Changes

July 7: Optimized Fiscal and Research Administrator Workflows

May 23: Parking Permits for 2023-24 Academic Year

May 22: Review Session: PPM Budgeting Processes

May 15: New Leader of Auxiliary Enterprises and Fiscal Innovation

May 5: A Handy Guide to Common Chart of Accounts

May 5: Updated Guidance on Function 44 and Research Transactions

May 2: New Look, Enhancements for UCMPlan

April 6: Adding Financial Analysts to Schools to Support Research Funding

April 3: England Named Interim Director of SBS and Campus Cashiering

March 10: Travel Reimbursement for Remote Work Rescinded

March 6: Important Updates to Honorarium Payments

Feb. 16: Internal Search for Interim Director of SBS and Campus Cashiering

Jan. 30: Feedback Sought for Update of DFA and CBS2 ServiceNow

Jan. 19: Dates and Deadlines for Year-End FY23

Jan. 5: Director of Administrative Budget and Policy Appointed


Dec. 21: Spring '21 Effort Reports Available for Certification

Dec. 7: Year-End Message from Interim VC/CFO Schnier

Dec. 5: Oracle Knowledge Tool Adds Accounting, Project Administration

Dec. 5: November 2022 Open House Recap

Nov. 3: Reminders for Prior and Current Fiscal Years

Sept. 30: In-person Work Plan for DFA Staff Based at DCC

Sept. 8: New Directors in Business and Financial Services

Aug. 31: Oracle Guided Learning Launches with Support for Procurement

Aug. 16: Ready for Fall 2022: Parking, Transit, Dining, Housing

Aug. 12: DFA Teams' Accomplishments in 2022

July 14: Chancellor Provides 2022-23 Budget Call Update

July 12: Status of On-Site Work for DFA Staff at DCC

June 28: Transition of Internally Funded Projects to General Ledger: Details, Impacts

May 27: Workflow Change for Some Oracle Projects

May 25: Realignment of Business and Financial Services Teams

May 18: Preparing for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Close

May 17: Thank You for a Successful Commencement Weekend

May 16: Oracle System Issues Resolved

May 4: Interim General Accounting Director Riedeman Announces Departure

April 26: Notes to DFA Staff: Service Awards, Appreciation Lunches, Open House, Town Halls

April 8: Automated Routing for RA Approval on Oracle Purchase Requisitions

April 6: Financial Management System Update

April 1: FAQ: Equity Program for Staff Salaries

April 1: FAQ: Cost-Saving Initiative for Fiscal Year 2022-23

April 1: Interim Director of General Accounting Appointed

March 24: Budget Updates: Salary Market Equity Program and Vacancy Holds

March 21: New Policy for Indirect Cost Return (IDCR)

March 4: UCM Plan Data Issue Reported

March 3: New Payment Plus Service for Suppliers

Feb. 17: Message to Faculty: Oracle System Update

Feb. 14: Oracle Changes Make Data Entry for Purchases Easier

Feb. 3: Oracle Data Integration Project Update

Jan. 13: Videos of Oracle Expanded Access Training Posted

Jan. 12: Introducing the Oracle Toolkit

Jan. 10: Updated DFA Guidance for Start of Spring Semester

Jan. 5: BFS Update – Assistant Controller Recruitment

Jan. 1: Guidance for Return to Spring Semester


Dec. 16: Small Business Program

Dec. 15: New Assistant Vice Chancellor/Controller

Dec. 6: Update on Oracle Initiatives

Dec. 6: Oracle Financials Training Evaluation

Dec. 2: Help Needed to Clear Warehouse Clutter

Nov. 3: Initiatives to Improve Campus Financial System

Oct. 27: Addressing Impediments to Research

Sept. 28: Actions Taken and Planned to Support Research

Sept. 13: Close of Fiscal Year 2021

Sept. Bobcat Buy Catalog for Food Service

Aug. 24: New BFS Transition Leadership Team

Aug. 23: Updates on Student Housing, On-Site Work and STAR Awards

Aug. 20: Dining and Retail Services Information for Fall 2021

Aug. 18: Housing and Fall Semester Update

Aug. 17: Move-In Parking Updates and Reminders

Aug. 15: Update on Fall Housing for Students

Aug. 12: Coronavirus Leads to Pause for Events

Aug. 12: Details of Supply Chain/Shared Services Leadership Transitions

Aug. 10: Important Changes to Campus Budget Management

Aug 6: Message from Josh Dubroff: Next Chapter

July 15: Transformation Milestones for CBS2

July 8: Sunsetting of Enhanced Procurement Approval Requirements

July 6:  Transition to Automated Approval Reminders for Oracle Procure-to-Pay

July 1: Looking Toward the Future for DFA

June 29: Telecommute Agreement Forms Due June 30

June 24: Update to On-Site Workplan for DCC-based DFA employees

May 25: Reminder of Key Dates for Procurement in FY21

May 13: Update on Research Financial Data on Oracle Platform

May 3: Kurt Schnier Named Interim Vice Chancellor/CFO

April 22: DFA Celebrating Service Event Set for May 17

April 19: Interim Controller Kim Groesbeck Announces Retirement

March 8: Meet Finalists for Vice Chancellor/Chief Financial Officer

March 5: 2020-21 Performance Appraisal Process Begins

Feb. 23: Telework Extension and Returning to In-Person Work

Feb. 23: Updates on Oracle Procurement Resources

Feb. 5: Procurement Support and Resources for Oracle Transition

Jan. 21: In Remembrance of Sofia Mortera

Jan. 11: Learning Curve on New Financial Systems Acknowledged

Jan. 4: Alpha Financials project launches new systems




DFA Staff & Campus Newsletter


DFA Staff Monday Round-Up: Dec. 19Nov. 18Oct. 14Sept. 16Aug. 19Aug. 5July 12Jun. 24 | Jun. 10May 20May 6 | Apr. 22 | Apr. 8 | Mar. 25

September | DFA Update Campus Newsletter

February | "DFA Update Campus Newsletter

DFA Staff Open House


Feb. 6: video and slides

May 25: video and slides

Sept. 28: video and slides

Nov. 16 (scheduled: Zoom link)


Nov. 21: DFA Open House video and presentation slides (Single Sign-On required).

Sept. 29: DFA Open House video and presentation slides (Single Sign-On required).

July 28: DFA Open House video and presentation slides (Single Sign-On required).

May 11: DFA Open House video and presentation slides (Single Sign-On required).

March 17: DFA Open House presentation slides and video.

Jan. 13: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.


Nov. 17: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.

Sept. 25: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.

July 26: DFA Open House video, event slides, and slides of collaboration tips for hybrid teams.

May 17: Celebrating Service Awards video and presentation slides

April 22: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.

March 8: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.

Feb. 9: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.

Jan. 13: DFA Open House video and presentation slides.


Dec. 10: DFA Open House video.

Nov. 4: DFA Open House presentation slides.

May 18: DFA Celebrating Service Awards. Video for Auxiliaries honorees. Video for DCC-based honorees. List of honorees.

Jan. 17: DFA Kick-off BreakfastsPrepared remarks by Michael Riley, Interim Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer.