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Guidance for Recharge Units; New Rule for Primary Approvers

October 30, 2023

Are You a Self-Supporting Recharge Operation?

Recharge operations function like a non-profit business, collecting enough revenues to cover costs. Services offered are rate-based and advance the university's education, research or public service functions.

Please review Self-Supporting Recharge Operations and the updated Recharge Manual for guidance on recharging procedures. You also can view a list of UC Merced recharge units.
Approving Your Own Requisition
DFA has introduced a protocol that prevents an approver from entering and approving a purchase requisition. This action is triggered if the name in the "Entered By" field matches that of a fiscal or RA approver. Responsibility for placing the order shifts to another designated individual or, if necessary, to the Center for Business Services and Solutions via a General Purchasing Request.

Note that this does not impact the name listed in the “Requested for” field, so there should not be an impact on submitting requisitions on behalf of other users.