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Research Newsletter Report, 6/3/22

June 3, 2022

The following appeared in ORED's Research Newsletter on June 3, 2022:

The Oracle Data Integrity Project continues to make progress on the alignment of accounts as well as addressing budget discrepancies. The Division of Finance and Administration's accounting team has aligned 57% of contracts and grants and 60% of internal funds. The division also continues to make progress on initiating our plans for gifts with External Relations. Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Kurt Schier expressed appreciation for the team of DFA volunteers who have added this work to their daily workload requirements.

On the budget side, Financial Planning & Budget staff have reconciled 90% of the contracts and grants identified as having a known budget discrepancy and 57% of those without a known discrepancy. Overall, 64% of the contracts and grants have had budgets reconciled. The next step will be to work directly with RAs on verification.

Schier also thanked External Relations for identifying a gift management strategy to support the accounting alignment plans and ORED’s RAs on the budget verification work.

On Wednesday, the first Oracle Reboot Camp was held. Stakeholders such as RAs, COAs and financial analysts met with DFA staff for a workshop luncheon to discuss areas of needed improvement beyond the account alignment efforts discussed above. DFA team leads worked with the attendees to prioritize reporting needs and additional areas of improvement once these issues are addressed. Schnier thanked the team leads for facilitating the discussion and all attendees for providing valuable feedback.


CBS2 Embedded Staff: With summer upon us, CBS2 staff currently located in the schools will move to a revised in-person schedule effective June 6. Staff will be located in their respective schools on Monday, Thursday, and Friday and located at DCC on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • SNS: Carla Hunt, Customer Relationship Specialist; Monday and Friday SRE 103, Thursday SE1 356
  • SOE: Katrina Trexler, Customer Relationship Specialist; Monday, Thursday, and Friday, SE1 379
  • SSHA: Stephanie Zuniga, Customer Relationship Director; Monday, Thursday, and Friday, SSHA Dean Suite 261

All CBS2 team members can be reached at the CBS2 Service Desk, (209) 228-3600 or at