The Oracle Data Integrity Project has developed alignment plans for 50% of our contracts and grants and 58% of our internal funds; we are still working on initiating the alignments for gifts. We currently have alignment plans for 43% of all accounts. We have been able to move many of these alignment plans into production and made changes in the Oracle system. 21% of all the accounts have been changed in production.
As mentioned before, we will also need to align the budgets on these accounts and ensure they are accurate. Financial Planning and Analysis has conducted budget alignment plans for roughly 50% of the accounts. Once they are complete, they will work with your research administrators to validate their work, then make changes in Oracle. We greatly appreciate research administrators' partnership in this effort.
Staff who are working on our alignment plans are also preparing for fiscal close. Departments have begun the work required to close fiscal year 2021-22 on June 30. To assist in this process, General Accounting has assembled documentation of fiscal close deadlines and other information that you can find here.
The staff in CBS2 are continuing to experience a high volume of travel requests and are working to accommodate this through the shifting of existing resources. We expect the turnaround times will improve shortly. Given the higher ticket volume in travel now, we encourage everyone to plan their travel early and reach out to CBS2 staff should you encounter issues.
Kurt Schnier
Interim Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer